2.25 out of 5 stars
“Time didn’t always heal all wounds, but time put those wounds into perspective.”
“He’d lived under guilt for so long that he’d nearly forgotten what it was like to live free.”
“Have you ever seen a rock with jagged edges? Put it in water and let the water move, and you know what happens? Those edges become smooth. It may not be a quick process, and it’s not without pain. But those rough parts can be smoothed into something beautiful.”
Well, I guess I’m in the minority of those who read this book. I’m hoping Christy Barritt, an author I thoroughly enjoy, has not jumped the shark with this one. I found the story less enjoyable than others and though I guessed the killer early, I didn’t even feel like it was logical and was way too far fetched. Parts were way too predictable and Barritt is really recycling too many parts from her other books. I guess there are only but so many times you can read about the beautiful people who kinda don’t like each other but inevitably fall in love, the references too his muscles and smell, another Barritt book where someone gets knocked out and tied up (this seems to happen every time!), the mom issues, etc. I would like for her to do something a little different. But to be honest, it might be that this series is just not one of my favorites by her. So might be my last Fog Lake book.
