5 stars out of 5!
“People’s ideals, when mixed with their emotions and feelings of helplessness, could lead to devastation.”
“Thou must suffer for the sake of the cause.”
““Every time I go past, I think of Waco,” Austin said. “And I’m not talking about Fixer Upper. I’m talking about David Koresh.”
Oh man, this was a really good one! It had all of the right elements. There is a new cult present in Lantern Beach, led by a charismatic leader named Anthony Gilead. There is just the right amount of creepiness with the cult and I found it too be very believable and not over the top. After a dead body washes up on shore, Cassidy is on the case! Once again, the dynamic is great between Cassidy and Ty. I also liked how in this one, there were more realistic moments between husband and wife. And there wasn’t any romance in the book, which made this one stand out more. And even better was that I didn’t see the ending coming, which was awesome after guessing the last 5 or so Christy Barritt books. I will say that a lot is left unanswered here, setting the stage for books to come in the series. So I’m very much looking forward to reading the rest of them.
