4.75 Stars Out Of 5
“Hope could spring from even the direst of circumstances. All one had to have was a little faith.”
“Life sometimes turns out differently than what one might expect.”
“She wasn’t perfect. But she did strive to follow God with all of her heart, mind and soul.”
Another really good book from Christy Barritt. And like most Christy Barritt books, this one had most of her signature markings: heroine who’s been unlucky in love and finds herself in a bad situation; the good looking man she encounters who smells nice and is either affiliated with the military or law enforcement in some kind of way; someone wearing all black and a chase ensues; a great setting, though not the beach or mountains in this one! And of course, an ultimate message of hope and redemption.
I really liked the summer camp setting. From all the major and minor descriptions, it was obvious that Christy Barritt spent time at a Christian camp! It definitely reminded me of times I spent at a Christian camp, both as camper and counselor. At ours, we didn’t have a Chainsaw Charlie legend but instead someone named Elephantitis that roamed the woods and when you heard the dogs across the lake bark, you knew he was on the loose (the things kids believe!). So I thought that was a great angle.
And the book has great mystery elements, all starting when the main character, Molly, runs over an already dead body on the road! Other missing people and deaths ensue and I did enjoy the conclusion as it was one I did not see coming. Although I’m not a huge fan on the romance in her books, she always makes up for it with characters, setting, mystery, and faith.
