5 stars out of 5
“Even though she knew God’s grace had made her a new person, not everyone would view her as God did. Nor did God’s grace exclude her from the penalties of her actions. Her decisions had consequences.”
“Relationships are about two imperfect people coming together and fighting to make things work.”
After thoroughly enjoying the Lantern Beach Mystery Series (and everything Christy Barritt writes), I thought I would take a shot at the Lantern Beach Romantic Suspense series. Hoping it would not be too mushy, I was pleasantly surprised that the romance angle was about the same as most Christy Barritt books...a nice blend of mystery, faith, enjoyable characters and scenery, and romance. What made this book stand out wasn’t the mystery angle (though that was pretty good), but was the vulnerable characters who reveal their true selves, flaws and all. This one had some great emotional aspects and I very much enjoyed getting to know some of the secondary characters more as they take more of a center stage over Cassidy and Ty. Christy Barritt does a good job with both male and female characters, which is a plus for any gender to enjoy her books. Onto her next book and can’t wait to plunge into her Lantern Beach PD books.
