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Dark Pursuit by Brandilyn Collins


4.5 Stars Out Of 5

“I came home and found a dead woman on my bed. Strangled. With a piece of black fabric with green stripes. And I’m afraid my boyfriend did it.”

“What that must feel like—to have the life choked out of you. To struggle for that last breath.”

“ one way or another bent on the dark pursuit of some obsession in their lives—only to discover that their private little empires were all in vain and brought only emptiness.”

This book hooked me from the beginning chapters all the way to the crazy conclusion. This was one where I definitely didn’t see the ending coming. A lot of good twists. This is the kind of book where I would need to probably read it again to catch all the clues and view it with a greater appreciation. There are some Christian elements in the book, mainly about pursuing the wrong things in life and not the things that matter.



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