5 Stars Out Of 5 Stars!
“Think of the wolves as wild, not pets.”
“She had a kind of imperfect, tragic beauty.”
“You have to build a supportive environment in order for someone to start to heal.”
Whoa, this was a good one! Always a fan of Heather Day Gilbert and this one does not disappoint. Like Book 1, we get a full dose of the quirky Belinda Jade Blake as she once again stumbles into a murderous situation. This time, it occurs on a wolf preserve and the questions are whodunnit: Wolf, man, or a combination of both? Belinda helps investigates and there are plenty of suspects. Heather Day Gilbert once again throws out plenty of red herrings on this one which is great. For much of the book, I was clueless what was going to happen; however, there were a few clues here and there that gave me an inkling of how it was going to turn out. So while my inkling proved correct, this definitely remains a 5-star book due to its writing, wonderful characters, character development, setting, the mystery, and of course, the exotic animals! I enjoyed this one even more than the first so I am definitely looking forward to reading Book 3.
*I received this book free from Netgalley and publisher Kensington Books in exchange for an honest review.
