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Jess MacCallum: 30 Day Prayer Challenge For Men


3.75 stars out of 5

For the first week or so, I thought this 30-day men’s devotional book was going to land at 3 stars. I thought it was decent but not much different than the free ones I could get from a Bible app. But somewhere along the way, either the devotionals, questions, and prayers got much better, or just maybe I got into a nice groove of really focusing on the message and not going through the motions. Whatever the reason, by the end, this was a solid 3.75 star devotional that I looked forward to reading each morning.

I liked how the devotional started with scripture followed by a quick and concise message that can apply to all men. Sometimes the messages were surface level but a lot of them were just deep enough to get you started each morning. But the best part of the devotional were the 3 or 4 questions the author asked pertaining to the lesson. These really helped you think about your struggles, the way you could be serving God more faithfully, and also the things in your life you are doing well. The devotional then has 3 sample prayers at the end of each lesson that relates to the questions. The prayers are broken down into Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. I will admit that I read the prayers in one sitting so it would have been better for me to have one prayer that encompassed all of 3 prayers.

All in all, this was a good men’s devotional that is Scripture-filled and a great way to begin your morning.

*I received this book free from Netgalley and publisher Barbour in exchange for an honest review.



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