4.75 stars out of 5 stars
“Sheep don’t worry about the future. When they hear the Shepherd’s voice, they follow Him.”
“God, the Engineer, is still fully in charge.”
“Your father died in prison a long time ago. You’re going to die in a prison of your own making if you don’t free yourself. You’ve been trying all these years to prove you’re better than your drunken father, that you’re not white trash anymore. And all along, you had a wife who adored you for who you are. You never had to prove anything to me.”
“Rough Way To The High Way” by Kelly Mack McCoy races along like a brand new Peterbilt 389. Its destination is a highly enjoyable story that weaves setting, characters, suspense, and spirituality beautifully. What impressed me the most was that this was a debut novel. McCoy has a strong literary voice that is really all his own. I loved the dialogue that rang very authentic and the characters were all believable, flaws and all. The main character, aptly nicknamed Mack, is extremely likable and I enjoyed getting to know him well. I definitely felt like the book sets the stage for a sequel so I am excited about that. One issue I often have in the Christian Fiction market is that there is often a lack of clean and spiritual yet gritty books for men to enjoy; well, I am happy to say that this is a book that Christian men will enjoy (don’t worry, women will enjoy it too!). I look forward to reading more Kelly Mack McCoy books in the future.
* I received an ARC from the author in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are my own.
