5 Stars Out Of 5!!!
“I’ve learned many things from Egyptology, not the least of which is the idea that what we do in this life matters in the next. That we should be preparing ourselves for what comes after. Death isn’t the end of life—it’s really the beginning of our eternity.”
“Ancient history isn’t the only past worth preserving.”
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
What can I say about this book except it was outstanding. This is my second book by Jocelyn Green and I am a big fine of her Christian historical fiction. I have always been interested in archaeology and Egypt so this book was perfect in learning more. Although this book focuses more on the museum aspect with artifacts, an not the archaeological dig part, it was still all fascinating and interesting. And Green is a master at writing descriptive scenes that will transport you to another time and place.
I really loved the characters in this book. Dr. Lauren Westlake was both well written as well as a sympathetic, relatable character. I could feel her struggle as she sought the approval of an earthly father. And Detective Joe Caravello was awesome. He was a man whose moral compass pointed true north as he pursued truth and justice. I liked the interactions between Joe and Lauren. I loved the setting in New York in 1925/1926 and it makes me want to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The mystery aspect was also really good. Murder (more on that later) as well as the forgery of ancient artifacts. Very unique and very well executed. And it isn’t just a mystery that deals with Egyptology. It is also a story about family, pain, loss, and trying to gain love and approval from another. And most importantly, drawing closer to our Heavenly Father.
One thing that I really loved about this book is that Jocelyn Green made me a character that was killed off in this book. For real! I had volunteered myself through Facebook and she agreed to have a Wade Martin character murdered. Quite the experience coming across my name in the book. But don’t worry; even if my name was not in this book, this is still an awesome book. Easy 5 stars.
I received this book free from Netgalley and publisher Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.
