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Waiting On God


5 Stars Out Of 5!

“Everyone is just . . . waiting. There are few seasons more difficult than the ones that make us wait.”

“Waiting on the Lord is a confident, disciplined, expectant, active, sometimes painful clinging to God.”

“As humans with needs, we tend to focus on prayer changing our circumstances. But more and more, I see how prayer changes us. The greatest answer to prayer is when God has changed you through prayer; when you prayed and prayed and prayed, and God changed you.”

While the book is called “Waiting On God,” that is actually just the first sermon by John Ortberg. The rest are “When God Doesn’t Listen” by the always amazing Francis Chan, “Submission Through Prayer” by James MacDonald, and “Why We Shouldn’t Give Up On Prayer” by Bill Hybels (who was new to me). So while waiting on God is a consistent theme throughout the book, I would also add that there is a large emphasis on your prayer life, which of course ties in nicely with waiting and patience. All four sermons come across as very personal and make wonderful points that a Christian should be able to incorporate into their life immediately. This was a call to action for me and I loved how we had 4 different perspectives that all pointed towards a closer relationship with God. This is a quick read that I would recommend to any Christian looking for a good Christian Living book.



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